Myotherapy Bayside appointments are available in Frankston Monday & Tuesday & Thursday & (9am – 4pm); Friday (8am – 6pm) & Saturday’s (8am – 2pm)
Monday & Tuesday & Thursday & 9am – 4pm
Fridays 8am – 6pm
Saturdays 8am – 2pm
Contact Myotherapy Bayside today by calling or texting 0414 453 550 or via email;
Get direct access to the appointment calendar to schedule your Myotherapy appointment with Glenn Austen at Myotherapy Bayside at the Frankston Clinic via the link below.
If you have an enquiry or would like to learn more how Myotherapy Bayside can be of benefit to you please contact us via calling or texting 0414 453 550 or via email; and we will answer any questions you have.
Unfortunately as humans living our busy lives, we become conditioned to be reactive to pain, when its persistent and exceeds the threshold of what we are willing to put up with, we take action to arrange an appointment and seek help. Myotherapy Bayside is here to help, even better Myotherapy Bayside will help you to understand the way your body is using pain as a method to communicate to you of something being wrong. Sometimes the pain cause and affect is obvious, although most commonly pain can present itself without an obvious reason as it progressively gets worse.
Myotherapy Bayside will help you better understand what your body is attempting to tell you so you can help yourself and be more proactive in preventing pain in your life.
To find out more about Clinical Myotherapy check out more content on this website here.
Myotherapy appointments are suitable for everyone, All ages can benefit from Myotherapy, you don’t have to be in pain to benefit from Myotherapy.
It is actually best to receive Myotherapy when your not in acute pain as you can achieve greater results in injury prevention and learning how to get the most out of your body throughout your life.
Whether it be for Improved performance, better sleep, Recovery from exercise, anti aging, Improved quality of life, Improved posture and development or any other health goal that involves your musculoskeletal system.