Myotherapy Bayside is located in Frankston, delivering a natural solution to your muscle pain and injury.

Myotherapy Bayside delivers the best form of manual therapy in Frankston based on the latest methods of natural treatment, specifically designed to suit your needs. A typical Myotherapy treatment often combines these methods to provide you with the best results;

Myotherapy provides a wide range of natural treatment options to restore the musculoskeletal system, including the bodies muscles, connective tissue, fascia, tendons, ligaments, bursa, joints, nerves and bones.

Myotherapy focuses on the biomechanical cause of your pain or injury and provides a complete solution for natural pain and injury treatment, management and prevention. Myotherapy Bayside is located in the bayside suburb of Frankston.  

Get the results your seeking with Myotherapy Bayside.

Myotherapy offered at Myotherapy Bayside is of the highest standard available in Australia, Classified as Clinical Myotherapy which signifies the completion of the Bachelor of Health Science – Myotherapy.  

This provides a significant edge over other Myotherapy courses operating throughout Australia. The significance of this for you means that you are being provided the best treatment, advise and strategies to deal with your pain and injuries. You only have to experience the difference to realise this importance.    

The Musculoskeletal system causes us most of the pain we will experience throughout our lives. Modern medicine struggles to provide solutions in this field by masking symptoms with side effect producing medication. We have to realise that pain is our bodies way of communicating that something is wrong and if we choose to ignore it by taking pain killers or anti-inflammatories then unfortunately the body has no other option than to progressively get worse.

It’s never too late to discover the benefits that Myotherapy can provide.

How can Myotherapy help you…

Myotherapy Bayside can provide solutions to a wide variety of injuries and complaints, including;

  • Back Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Arthritis
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Frozen shoulder
  • TMJ
  • Vertigo
  • Joint Pain
  • Scoliosis
  • Knee Injuries and Pain
  • Plantar Faciitis
  • Work and Sport related injuries
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Poor Posture
  • Surgery Prevention

If you have tried other therapies without success or are frustrated that you aren’t getting better, or are considering that surgery is your only option. Myotherapy Bayside can provide you with a holistic solution allowing you to get your body back feeling and functioning the way you want it to.

You can claim your Myotherapy treatment in Frankston using your private health insurance extras cover, if you have any questions or would like to find out how Myotherapy can help you, please contact us on 0414 453 550.

Glenn Austen the director of Myotherapy Bayside has had 20 years of clinical experience and is passionate about not only fixing your pain and or injury, but furthermore ensuring it doesn’t return. This is achieved by working with you by providing education and incorporating practical techniques and tricks allowing your body to function more efficiently and thus preventing pain and injury.

Pain and injury can impact life in many negative ways, it can affect our capacity to achieve important goals you may have, or alter the way you perceive your potential. This doesn’t need to be your reality…

In order to get more out of life, it is vital that you expect more from yourself and that also translates to expecting more from other people. I see it all too often where people have accepted that being in pain is normal or that an injury has caused someone to cease doing an activity they once loved to do.

Glenn Austen is incredibly passionate about altering peoples perception regarding their potential and providing a solution to any pain or injury that has begun to impact somebodies life in a negative way.

Its easy to be pain free with Myotherapy

Myotherapy Bayside targets the cause of your pain and get’s to the source as to why your injured. Making sense of what is going on in your own body is incredibly empowering as you know your body better than anybody else, the service provided by Myotherapy Bayside it to provide clarity and formulate a plan to restore your body and ensure you achieve what is important to you.

This can be to return back to work or a sport where you were injured, or it could be to prevent a surgery that you have been told to be your only option. You may be sick of injuring the same area repeatedly and want to finally discover a solution. All these outcomes can be achieved with the help of Myotherapy Bayside.

To book an appointment at Myotherapy Bayside you can easily do so online by clicking this link, BOOK ONLINE